artificial intelligence

Switzerland’s other assets in the face of the digital revolution

In the face of the growing technological revolution – digitalisation and artificial intelligence – Switzerland has a number of assets. Some are well known and visible – the quality of its higher education institutions, its research and its entire innovation ecosystem. Two of these assets – although very important – remain however neither very visible nor well understood. These two assets enable Switzerland to effectively resolve a crucial problem – one that all developed countries are today confronted with. This problem concerns – not innovation – but the diffusion of innovation, its absorption and propagation throughout the whole economic system. This is an essential problem. Indeed, it is one thing to promote a system allowing certain companies and entrepreneurs to innovate, but quite another to get these innovations adopted and diffused throughout all the industries and services comprising a country’s economy. And yet this second point is just as important as the first for increasing productivity and creating the right jobs of the future.Read more