Quantum technologies

Quantentechnologie in der Schweiz

Texte français ci-dessous

Online Podiumsdiskussion, 19. November 2020, 11.30 - 13.00 Uhr

In den letzten Jahren sind auf dem Gebiet der Quantentechnologie entscheidende Fortschritte erzielt worden. In naher Zukunft sind in den Bereichen Quantencomputing, Quanten-Kommunikation und Quanten-Sensorik neuartige Anwendungen zu erwarten. In dieser Diskussion soll die Relevanz dieser neuen Technologien für Wirtschaft, Forschung und Gesellschaft sowie das Potential der Schweiz im Bereich der Quantentechnologie beleuchtet werden.Read more

Who is driving technology policy? Is technology driving us or are we in the driver’s seat?

New technologies such as modern robotics, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing or quantum technologies are forcing the economy and society to innovate at a fast pace. This raises the question: Is technology driving us or are we driving it? Do we have the right technology policy instruments at our disposal to respond to this pace?

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Quantum technologies – the second quantum revolution in Switzerland

Quantum technologies have the potential to deeply impact our industry and society. Using unique features of the quantum world, they allow for secure communication, new and ground breaking ultra-high sensitivity sensors, and, probably, on a ten year time scale, quantum computing. The latter promises a major boost in computing power that could lead to the solution of complex simulation problems for example in chemistry, material science or logistics.Read more