The New Missions Are Not about Conquering the Moon!
A convincing post concerning the influence of Professor Mazzucato’s work on the agenda of Horizon Europe was published recently on this blog. Of course, as a public intellectual (or perhaps a thought leader)1, she did a very good job. Thanks to her passion, commitment and eloquence, she succeeded in placing the mission message quite high on the agenda of the European Commission as well as of many other public and international institutions and forums. However, the panegyric requires a few nuances.Read more
Jane Royston on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: “It’s about the Mindset”
Jane Royston is a member of the Swiss Science Council. She has a broad experience in the private industry and currently serves on the boards of several high-tech companies and charitable foundations. Jane Royston has been the first professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Branco Weiss Chair) at EPFL and in Switzerland. Read more
Challenges and Opportunities in a Digital Society
Sara Irina Fabrikant is a member of the Swiss Science Council and a professor of geography at the University of Zurich, where she heads the Geographic Information Visualization and Analysis (GIVA) group. In this interview, she talks about the opportunities and challenges in a digital society. Read more
Interview with SSC President Sabine Süsstrunk on the Open Letter
The Swiss Science Council (SSC) has initiated an Open Letter on the Swiss association under Horizon Europe. Among the more than 30 European signatories are science councils and advisory bodies, university networks as well as other STI organisations. In this interview, the SSC president Sabine Süsstrunk provides background information on the initiative.